Wednesday, August 09, 2006

National survey: New Orleans not forgotten

The media may have shifted its attention to the Middle East and politicians are thinking about November's elections, but the nation hasn't forgotten about those still struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, according to a new survey.

The fear of storm victims is that nearly a year after Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, the rest of the country has moved on or, at worst, Americans are sick of hearing about the region's problems, especially if it means spending more money.

But a study released Tuesday by the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation suggests that most Americans aren't afflicted with Katrina fatigue and they still possess a deep reservoir of empathy and a willingness to help. The survey was released at a forum meant to highlight the shortage of health professionals in south Louisiana and the obstacles hindering the rebuilding of the region's medical system.

from the Times Picayune


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